Sunday, October 25, 2009

Carve away!!!!

Haley had no problem digging in to clean out her pumpkin.
Grandpa and Grandma had fun with their pumpkin.
Hannah does a good impersonation!
Haley's pumpkin was SO thick Russ had to get out the power tools!
The finished product.
Hannah, Haley and Ben proudly display their pumpkins.....

You gotta love a good pumpkin patch!

The cow thought it could get some milk from Haley's finger.
Enter the corn maze at your own risk!
Ben and Hannah got hungry wandering through the maze.
Hannah cheated a little to find her way out.
The children posed with their specially picked pumpkins.

It's soccer time!!

Ben loves to play soccer, and he takes it very seriously. He is very competitive! He has played AYSO soccer on their VIP league for 5 years. He loves to score goals, and when he does, he performs some rather unique victory dances out on the field.
Go Ben!!

Emily turns 16!!!

Happy Birthday to Emily! A beautiful young woman, both inside and out!

Emily went to Shafter to take her driving test. Rumor has it that it is easier to pass out there. Well, Emily passed with flying colors, and that's all that matters. She came home very excited, and ready to wash the Excursion. Her "cool" set of wheels. What more could she ask for? A cute little convertible VW Bug, perhaps? No way. The Excursion is the coolest car around, just ask Allison. She got to drive it while she was in high school too. This whole experience has given mom a few new gray hairs, but she'll survive, and eventually it will get to the point where she is rather thankful to have another driver in the house.
Drive safe!!