Saturday, December 5, 2009

Ben is doing much better!

Ben is starting to look like himself again! There is still a faint black eye, and a tad bit of swelling left on his cheek, but overall he is doing fantastic. The surgery went very well. He has two titanium plates in his left cheek area that will hold the bones in place until they heal. Thank you all for your thoughts and prayers!! We appreciate your love and support.

It's that time of year...

Decorating the tree would not be complete without some yummy hot chocolate!!
Our cat Zazzoo was fascinated with all of the Christmas decorations. As we decorated the tree, he could resist getting up on the ladder for a closer look. Then he started batting at the decorations. At one point we thought he was going to jump onto the tree, but we got him down before he could do it.

Thanksgiving Weekend fun continued

Hannah and Mickelle had so much fun playing together. After being in the jaccuzi for awhile, they decided to dry off by riding on the wiggle cars. They would go down the steps of our front walkway and laugh all the way down. Maybe these cars should be called giggle cars!!

Cousin Marcus is the official Thanksgiving weekend Wii bowling champion!!!!!
What would Thanksgiving be without a performance by the "little" girls. They chose three songs and made up dances to each of them. Allison helped them choreograph one of the numbers. They worked on this extravaganza for two days. Finally the night arrived when they could perform. There was so much excitement in the air. It was so fun to see the effort they put in to this show. We got tickets and programs, not to mention the girls had costumes and props! What a night!!!
Notice how Ben snuck in the back to dance. When he heard the High School Musical song he couldn't resist. The girls went on with the show as if he were not even there.
Our three wonderful performers Hannah, Mickelle and Haley.

Thanksgiving Weekend fun

We had a great time at the Condor's game on Sat. night. It was the annual teddy bear toss. Here are Shawna with her brothers, Brian and Casey, and her sister Bridget.
Here we are at the park on Thanksgiving day after a great game of ultimate frisbee.
The men playing Acquire. No one could beat Russ. Tyler says he won't rest until he becomes the next real estate mogul.
Ultimate frisbee. Ben caught a great pass, even with Aunt Bridget putting on the pressure.