Sunday, September 5, 2010

School is in Session!!!

Allison is in Provo teaching third grade at Bennion Elementary. I got to drive to Provo with her and stay for a few days to help her get things organized in her new classroom. She has 31 students. I know that Mrs. Whitezell will be a fabulous teacher. I am so proud of her and all that she has accomplished. Grandma Judd took this picture of Allison on her first day teaching.
Here is Emily, ready for her junior year. She is busy on the tennis team and is President of the ACHIEVE club. She goes to early morning seminary at 5:25am. She is a remarkable young woman!
Haley is totally ready to rock sixth grade. She loves the idea of being in the oldest grade at her school. She enjoys playing the flute in band. Outside of school she is really progressing in dance. She is a beautiful ballerina! Go Haley!!
Hannah is a very happy fourth grader. She loves school, and told me over the summer that she wished school was year-round. Hannah has been busy reading several books in order to be prepared for the "Battle of the Books" competition later in the year. She is looking forward to making it into GATE.
Ben started a new school this year. He is now in the ABLE program. He was quite nervous the first day since he had never seen the school, nor had he met his teacher. I told him that I would take him the first day. When we walked into the school we were greeted very warmly. Ben was shown to his desk. He was seated next to a boy that is about 6'3, weighing 230lbs. Ben looked so small next to him. I'm sure though that they will become friends. This year in school Ben will learn some job skills and be able to use them at a few different job sights.
His first day he went to Dollar Tree and stocked shelves.

A camping we will go....

We had a fabulous weekend in Kings Canyon National Park. We have decided that this is our favorite campground. It is the azalea campsite in Grant's Grove. We were lucky to have Allison, Tyler, and my brother Brian join us for the adventure.
Roasting marshmallows is a favorite activity in the woods. We play a game to see who can make the blackest marshmallow without ever letting it catch on fire. It is not as easy as it seems.
Burning sticks and writing smoke letters in the air is also a fun activity...
We set out on the trail to see huge sequoia trees.
Along the trail we had some fun with Allison's camera. You have to click on this picture. Notice anything interesting at the cabin? There are two Haley's and two Hannah's. How'd we do that? (Ancient chinese secret!!)
Here's Uncle Brian looking like such a rugged mountain man.

There were so many fun trees to explore. We love this one tree that you can actually climb inside.

We climbed to the top of Moro Rock. The hike is fairly simple, about 480 steps along the edge of the cliff. There are guardrails along the way, otherwise it could be a bit scary. Once at the top we took a few minutes to enjoy the view. AWESOME!
It was such a great trip. Having an air mattress really makes tent camping enjoyable. We look forward to more camping next summer!