Tuesday, February 22, 2011


Hannah opted for a family trip to Disneyland instead of a party with her friends this year for her birthday. So, off we went.....
We had an awesome day together!! The weather was nice and those "fast passes" really came in handy! We got right on to Space Mountain and California Soarin'. The Aladdin show was fabulous!!! Well worth the long wait in line.
Gotta love the Astro Blasters!
The children had fun putting on a free concert inside the "Innovations" exhibit.
being silly in Toon Town...
Russ took the children on the tea cups. They wanted to spin really fast. Ben wanted to be in his own cup so that he could control it himself. Big smiles were had by all!

While waiting in line for The Tower of Terror, Hannah decided that she really did not want to go on it. Emily volunteered to go out with her and wait for us. We convinced Haley and Ben to stay in line and go on the ride. After it was over Ben wanted to go again, Haley did not!
California Screamin' is the best roller coaster around! Hannah was holding on tight to me and began to cry after the first big drop, but by the time it was over she had recovered. After a few hours she was ready to try it again. This was our second time riding, and you can see that Hannah has her eyes open and there is a smile on her face. Ben's eyes are closed, but he LOVED it!

Happy Birthday Miss Hannah!

Can you tell what Hannah loves to play with these days?! Legos. Hannah was thrilled with her new books, but what got her even more excited was the little book light that G & G Judd sent!
Chicken Parmasen, pasta and broccoli was the meal of choice, with angel food cake and strawberries and whipped cream for dessert. YUMMY!
Dad made this funny hat for Hannah. She picked out the glasses at the dollar store. Gotta love it!
Hannah is so excited to be "double digits" now. Wait a minute here, does that mean my baby is 10? Hannah is such a joy to have in our family. She has a twinkle in her eye, and a spring in her step. She is so loving and kind, smart and funny. She enjoys doing art projects, and creating "stuff" out of nothing. She is a collector and saver. The proof is under her bed! Hannah goes through books like nobody's business, and she always gets her homework done right away. Hannah, YOU ROCK!!

We were big winners!

Russ and I got all dressed up to attend the Annual Cancer Society Fundraiser. It was held at the Petroleum Club. We invited my brother Brian to join us for the evening. We enjoyed a delicious dinner of salmon and steak. The real fun came with the silent auction. We put our name down for a few items, and ended up coming home with our favorites. We won a chocolate matterhorn cake from Sweet Surrender, and we also won 4 tickets to Sea World. The other prize was the centerpiece from our table. That was ours for being the highest bidder. We were so excited to get home to show the children our loot! The best part was knowing that we were helping out such a great cause.

We did it, but it wasn't easy!!!

Just to get this down in writing in case it never happens again.....
Russ and I ran 10 miles! Both of us were pretty sore at the end, BUT WE DID IT!!!