Sunday, December 25, 2011

Santa was very generous!!

 The children were so excited to wake up and see so many gifts under the tree. Since Christmas was on Sunday, we had church at 10:00am. We let the children open their stockings before church, and then we ate a nice breakfast together. I was so proud of them for making the decision (or at least agreeing to go along with it) to wait until after church to open their gifts.
Ben received his own ipad which means he won't have to use Dad's anymore!

Haley was very happy to open an itouch with her name on it!

....and she got the purse that she really really wanted.

Hannah was thrilled to find out that there was an itouch with her name on it too. that zebra pillow pet that she really really wanted!!

Can you tell by the gifts who is moving out in a week?!?

You can never be too prepared, right?

Tyler was very happy to see this playstation with his name on it!
Allison just hopes that he lets her have a turn to play!

Zazzoo was very happy to get a bowl of milk.
It did not take him long to lick it clean!

Saturday, December 24, 2011

We're having a Grandbaby!!!!

Tyler and Allison gave Russ and I a very special gift.
There were screams of delight when we opened it!
I actually knew about this ahead of time, but didn't let anyone else in on the surprise!

Grandpa and Grandma Judd received their own special gift!

The excited grandparents-to-be!!!!

Christmas Eve + chocolate fountain = one great night!!!

  What an awesome evening....we had a nice meal, exchanged sibling gifts, read from Luke 2, and wrote our annual  "what I will give to Christ this year" notes to put in our box under the tree.

              Cleaning up the chocolate fountain is quite entertaining!

Ben picked out Tyler's gift all by himself while he was on a field trip with school.  It was so fun to see what Ben chose for Tyler....salsa bowls, a mug, and a WWF belt buckle.

The children received new pajamas...

.....and then showed them off!