Wednesday, May 30, 2012

The Price is Right

Bridget got us tickets for the May 30 taping of The Price is Right.  The show was to be aired on July 4th!! That is mom's 70th birthday!! We met in LA the night before and stayed in a hotel.  We all wore cute shirts that Jayce made for us.  Mom's shirt says "Born on the 4th....70 and still a firecracker!" Our shirts said, "I'm with the birthday girl".  We had red white and blue necklaces and mom even had a colorful headpiece.  We got to stand in line with hundreds of other crazy, dressed up people hoping to have a chance to meet Drew Carey and win a car.  The whole process of waiting to get into the studio for the taping is long! We made it fun anyway.  We really had high hopes of at least one person from our  group being chosen to "Come on down"....but no such luck.  We did get cool nametags though!

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

We have a beautiful ballerina in the house....

 Trying on the new shoes at home the day before class.
Haley's teacher, Kathy, had all of the girls gather around her for a lesson in putting on pointe shoes.  The girls were so thrilled to finally be going on pointe!!

 Here she is at the barre for the first time on pointe.

Family Home Evening, Hannah style.....

We always know we are in for a treat when Hannah plans FHE!
Tonight she prepared a lesson on the Word of Wisdom, complete with a fun game, and handouts. She does an outstanding job, and we really appreciate all of her efforts in preparing great lessons for us!

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Am I a lucky mom, or what?!?!?!

My children (and husband!) served me a delicious breakfast in bed this morning.  Hannah even went out into the yard and cut some flowers to put in a vase to adorn the tray of food.  I received cute cards and thoughtful gifts.  The best gift of all though is being a mom to my five wonderful children and a wife to my fabulous husband!!! I am so blessed!!