Friday, September 28, 2012

Mom's mini vacation to Utah

This is the beautiful view outside Allison and Tyler's apartment.

Now that I have a grandson I have even more reason to hop on a plane and fly to Utah! Well, that and the fact that I had not yet been to a BYU football game this season.  I had a blast rooming with Connor. I snuggled with him early in the morning while Allison and Tyler enjoyed some much needed rest.   Allison, Emily, Connor and I went to City Creek in Salt Lake and Connor was so good to let us shop while he napped!!!  Such a fun trip, we'll have to do it again sometime.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Emily turns 19!!!!

Emily drove to California so that she could spend her birthday with friends and family.  She requested Sweet Surrender cupcakes, so we indulged!! It was fun having her home for a few days, even though she spent most of her time out and about with her friends! We love you Emily!!!

Monday, September 17, 2012

I'm getting a bit crafty in my old age....

Now that I am a Grandma I decided I had better make a few handmade items for my sweet little grandson.  I made a bunch of burp cloths and a cute little tag blanket for Connor.  Unfortunately I did not take pictures of those items to document my craftiness.  Allison mentioned that she would like a carseat cover, so I told her I would be happy to make one for her.  I looked online and found some instructions and then I just went to town and got it done.  I was so proud of the little handle covers that lined up just right.  It turned out really cute and Allison loved it!

Monday, September 3, 2012

How would you like to carry this around all day?

When Hannah was in fourth grade she decided that she wanted to play the cello when she was old enough to be in the elementary school orchestra. Allison played the clarinet, Emily played the violin, and Haley played the flute. Of course my smallest child would choose to play the largest instrument!!  So when she started the fifth grade we bought her a cello and found a teacher to help her learn to play.  Now that she is in sixth grade she has moved up to the advanced orchestra and has private lessons from a very talented teacher.  Hannah's cello took a beating going back and forth to school twice a week so she now borrows one from the school so she does not have to bring hers to school anymore.  That makes life much easier!!!

Sunday, September 2, 2012

We are so blessed to have sweet Connor!!!

Tyler, Allison, Connor and Emily drove from Utah for the weekend so that little Connor boy could be blessed here in Calif where both sets of Grandparents live.  
It was awesome to have them here.  Russ and I had a few slumber parties with Connor in our room.  We would just take him to Allison when he needed to eat.  
Being a grandma is the BEST!!!

Poor guy lost all the hair on top of his head the day or two before his blessing.  Now he looks like an old man!!  

Uncle Brian came up to visit his new Grand Nephew.  He was a little nervous holding such a little guy, but did just fine.  They got along great.