Saturday, February 23, 2013

Emily's trip to Ecuador

A few days before Christmas, Emily flew to Ecuador to volunteer at an orphanage for two months.  She was a volunteer for Orphanage Support Services Organization (OSSO). She lived in a home with an Ecuadorian family and an American couple, and a few other college aged girls who were all volunteers.  The length of stay for each of the volunteers differed.  Some stayed for a week or two, some for a month or two.  Emily was excited for the chance to be in Ecuador for Christmas.  She had taken lots of things with her that family members had donated to give to the children at the orphanage.  We loved talking with Emily often to hear of her experiences.  She really enjoyed working with the children.  There were three different rooms at the orphanage called salas.  The children were separated by age.  In sala one were the infants 0- 6 months.  In sala two were the children 6months to one year.  Sala three was for the children older than one.  The children in salas one and two never went outside.  Their life was entirely in the room.  The older children were able to go outside and play in the yard. There were a few times when Emily was able to visit other orphanages and interact with the children who lived at them.  One place was a home for teenage boys with special needs.  Emily has always had a sweet, loving, compassionate spirit.  She was able to bless all of the children she came in contact with her love. I'm so proud of her and thrilled that she was able to have this wonderful, life changing experience.!

While in Ecuador, it was not all work and no play.......
each Friday the girls had the day off, and they usually went on a grand excursion.

At the end of her volunteer time in Ecuador, Emily and her friend Karissa had signed up to go on an amazon adventure.  They were supposed to be staying in a beautiful lodge.  When they got there, they found out the lodge was under construction, so they had to stay in this horrible bunk room.  Not what they were expecting, but being the adventurous girls that they are, they just went with it and decided to make the best of their time in the amazon.  There was a lot of mud!! and a few spiders and the threat of anacondas. I'm so grateful they were watched over and protected!! It was an adventure neither girl will ever forget.

                                         The "resort" was along the Napa river in the amazon.

                                   Emily learned how to protect herself by using blow darts.....

                              Emily was cleansed by the neighborhood shaman (medicine man)

                                       Who needs an umbrella when you have huge leaves!!

Welcome home Emily!!!  We missed you!!!!
Thanks for the fun gifts!!

Friday, February 22, 2013

Birthday Boy Ben 2-22-2013

Ben loves to bowl... so what a perfect way for him to spend the afternoon with his friends!!
We ordered a bunch of pizzas and had a party with Ben's friends in his after school 
program called "SEED".  

                      Ben and Mariah...she used to call Ben every day until her mom made her stop.
                                           She is so sweet and is such a good friend to Ben!!

The three amigos!!
Ben, Hunter and Chris were all in the same infant development program 21 years ago.  
Ben calls Chris his "brother".

Ben and Brittany....she and Ben have a great time together.  I can always count on Brittany to help "watch out" for Ben and make sure he is where he needs to be. 

Wednesday, February 20, 2013


This post is all about our cat Zazzoo.  We got him on August 18, 2005.  He was a six month old kitten at the time.  We rescued him from a shelter.  He was in a room with about ten other cats and when we walked into the room he came up to us and was so friendly.  We knew right away that he was the cat for our family.  We took him straight to the vet on our way home so he could be checked out and receive his shots.  He has been a good cat. He is pretty patient and laid back.  The girls used to put him in their baby stroller and push it all over the house.  He has let them carry him in blankets and treat him like a doll.  He loves to be anywhere in the house where people are.  He lays by the girls all day in their beds if they are sick.  He loves to play with toys, and will fetch things when he is in the mood.  He knows how to open the doors with latch type handles.  He has his own room upstairs where he sleeps.  We have to lock him in there at night so he won't wake everyone up in the middle of the night.  He actually come to find us, mostly Russ, at about 7:30pm and meows for us to put him to bed.  It's crazy, but true.  The only downside to this cat is that he sneezes....A LOT!!! Mom always says she wants to get rid of him, but deep down she really likes him and is glad that he is part of our family!

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Happy Birthday Hannah 2-14-2013

My sweet Valentine Baby!!!
Hannah was sporting a cute new outfit at school!!

 Hannah had a really fun party with friends from school, church, and dance. She had a big scavenger hunt at Target. The girls were put on two teams and given a list of things to find in the store.  They had to take pictures of each item on their list and then report back to Russ and I at a specified time.  Afterwards we went to Yogurtland for a treat.

Hannah chose BJ's for her family dinner spot, with a delicious pazooki for dessert!

 The girls from church kidnapped Hannah the following Wed. night for her first mutual activity.  I think being old enough for the Young Women's program at church is what Hannah was most looking forward to about turning 12!!!