Friday, September 27, 2013

A night at the fair

What trip to the Kern County Fair would be complete without a ride on an elephant??
Mom has always wanted to ride an elephant, so we were able to cross that off the ole bucket list!
We had such a fabulous time together as we walked around trying different foods, seeing the animals, playing games and watching the hypnotist show (family version which was Hilarious!!)
Oh, and Ben was quite proud of himself for riding the mechanical bull!

Thursday, September 5, 2013

A trip to Utah to celebrate our 25th year of wedded bliss!!

What do you get when you mix James Taylor, The Mormon Tabernacle Choir, dinner at The Roof restaurant overlooking Temple Square, a great BYU football game, fabulous shopping, a beautiful room at Little America in downtown Salt Lake City, a session in the Salt Lake Temple, great food, night time soaks in the outdoor jacuzzi, with lots of laughs and hand holding????
You get a perfect 25th anniversary trip!!!
We are celebrating every chance we get, all year long!!!!