Saturday, February 22, 2014

Happy Birthday Ben!

 Ben had the best birthday ever!  Since he is such a HUGE fan of The Condors hockey team, we planned a party for him at a Condors game in a large suite.  We invited a few families that Ben loves from church, had lots of great food and watched an exciting hockey game.  The best part came when the Condor's general manager and three team players came up to the suite and surprised Ben.  They gave him a team signed jersey and hockey stick.  To say Ben was thrilled is an understatement!!
                                                                We love you Ben!!!!

Friday, February 14, 2014

Happy Birthday Hannah!!

It's official…Hannah is now a teenager! She celebrated in style by inviting several of her friends to a "fancy" dinner at the Petroleum Club. Allison and Connor were in town, so they got to join the fun.
The chocolate dipped strawberries were a favorite! Hannah, you bring us so much joy.  We are blessed to have you in our family!!

Thursday, February 13, 2014


Russ and I went on a romantic little getaway to Sedona, Arizona.  
We stayed at the Enchantment resort.
I knew it was going to be a great vacation when 
I saw this little cactus outside our room.
                                          The views surrounding the resort were stunning!!!

                                                  The resort had mountain bikes available,
                                     so we took advantage of the opportunity and went for an
                                             awesome ride on some crazy mountain trails.

                       Later on we went for a drive and found a fun place to explore called Slide Rock.
                                       The water was freezing but the scenery was gorgeous!!

The next day we had a special day trip planned.
Russ wanted to take a plane ride over the Grand Canyon, so I was a good sport and went along!!

Not gonna lie,  I was nervous the whole flight!!!
Especially with all of the turbulence.

                                                          The views were incredible!!

            Once we landed, we headed over to the helicopter pad and took a helicopter                       
 ride to the bottom of the Grand Canyon.

                                    Then we floated around the river in a pontoon boat.
                                     And of course we had to take the helicopter ride back to the top, which happened to be much scarier because the pilot came so close to the sides of the canyon as we ascended!

                     We took a bus around many of the sights at the Grand Canyon.
                                Then we got back in the plane and headed back to the Resort.
                                                                      What a day!!!!

                                  The next day we went horseback riding with a guide.
                                 The trail took us up a mountainside and through a river.
                                                              We had so much fun!!

                     We ended the day with a wild 4 wheeling jeep tour through the back country.
Our tour guide was a very colorful character with more stories to share than we had time to listen to!!