Monday, December 20, 2010

When it rains...IT POURS!!!

The rain in Bakersfield has been falling solid for three days. Our neighborhood began to flood after the second day. We had to go check things out and take photos, or no one would believe us!
Haley and Hannah got all dressed up in their rain gear to face the storm. They were prepared for fun!! A pool toy was just the thing to get them all around the neighborhood.

Tyler was crazy enough to go for a swim. The water was COLD!!
Trees growing up from the middle of the lake......
The water pumping trucks have been working non stop for 24 hours, but the water keeps rising.
This is a fire hydrant covered in flood water! The neighbors attached a flag to it so no one would run over it and cause more flooding.
Allison had to get a photo to show her 3rd grade class!
Emily and her friends having some fun!! Notice the sandbags on the neighbors porch. More rain is expected so they prepared for the worst. This is so crazy!!!!

1 comment:

Katie and Luke said...

Oh my goodness! I can't believe we missed all the fun this weekend. Unofrtunately it was raining up north too.
Can't believe you SIL was swimming in it! Crazy!