Sunday, January 16, 2011

We are on our way!!!

Russ and I ran 8 miles on Saturday!!! And the best part about it is that we survived it, and actually kind of enjoyed it! We went to the bike path and headed out away from town where there are fewer people. We ran all along the Kern River, which actually has water in it right now! The weather was perfect. It was quiet and peaceful. We think we may try to go 10 miles next week. Who knows, maybe there is a half marathon in our future?!?!?!?

1 comment:

Katie and Luke said...

I love it. Good for you guys.
I wish the bike path was a little more "scenic" but I guess we have to take what we can get!
I heard there is a half marathon in Feb but I am going to register for a half in Lake Havasu on April 9th. It sounds like a fun event and we'll leave the kids behind with Grandma/grandpa! :)