Sunday, July 15, 2007

Another Sunday afternoon but this one was not typical.

This morning when we got up we heard scratching in the exhaust fan about the stove. Our cat Zazoo was going crazy, up on the stove looking at the exhaust fan. It sounded like birds. Lately we have had some pigeons on our roof, so I thought that they were scratching around the vent outlet on the roof. We would turn on the exhaust fan and the noise would stop, so I assumed they heard the noise and would fly away. Right after I would turn the fan off the scratching would return. We just figured we would ignore it and see what happened.

In the afternoon, our Home Teacher came over and we told him about the sound. By this time we were getting very tired of it. We talked about having to get on the roof and scare the pigeons away. I did not want to do that, as we have a tile roof and did not want to risk breaking a tile, or worse me falling off the roof and breaking something else.

Leo, our home teacher, thought we could get in the attic and maybe bang on the vent and scare them away. It was worth a try. Once we started looking at the duct work, we could hear scratching in the duct. Looking through one of the seams we could see a pigeon in the duct. Were we ever surprised. The duct had a joint at an elbow, so we took the duct pipe apart, reached in a pulled out a pigeon. I could not believe we had one in their. It must have come in the outlet on the roof. We were happy that we got the bird out.

As soon as Leo and his boys left the house, I walked back into the home and could hear scratching again, I could not believe it. Now what could be going on? I went back to the attic and looked in the same vent seam and could not hear anything. I went down by the exhaust fan and could hear the scratching and even cooing. I thought great, ad pigeon has fallen all the way down the vent duct and is sitting just on top of the exhaust fan.

I called a good friend Bob over to get his help. We were able to find another seam in the duct work at the attic floor and separated the duct. I shined a flashlight down the duct, and sure enough there on the exhaust fan was a pigeon. I retrieved my handy shop vac, attached the extension and went pigeon fishing. Once we got working we could see there was more than one pigeon. I was able to get the pigeon with the shop vac and pulled him the six or so feet out of the duct. We were unable to get the other pigeon. In fact once we got this second pigeon out, we could see there were two more pigeons in there. We could not get the other two with my shop vac. Bob said he had a more powerful vacuum so his wife brought his over.

We began using the larger vac to try to get the pigeons. The problem was the duct attached to a larger rectangle piece at the fan level. So the pigeons could go out of our sight into this alcove. Finally we attached a hanger to a long pole, poke the pigeons until they came where we could see them and then got them with the vacuum. It took us about an hour to catch the pigeons. I have to admit I never thought I would have a Sunday afternoon fishing for pigeons in the duct work of my kitchen. It almost sounds like a fish story. It is true, we had four pigeons who somehow from the roof got into our exhaust fan duct work.

Sorry no pictures of our pigeon fun.

This week Emily was at girls camp. I will get her to right a post about it this week.

Haley and Hannah went to a day camp at he local children's museum. The camp was on science and they had a great time.

The rest of us just had a normal week. The temperature was a little cooler and we enjoyed it. Still hot enough for us to enjoy the swimming pool.

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