Sunday, August 16, 2009

Camping in the Sequoias

If you look very carefully at the top of the rock you can see people.  This is Morro Rock, and yes, we climbed to the very top.  The path was narrow and steep.  451 stairs to the top.
The view from the top....AWESOME!!!
Now that is a big tree.  The car seems so small in comparison.
We had a great time climbing all around Grizzly Falls.
Emily found a snake and decided to have a snack.
This is an awesome fallen hollow tree that we climbed through inside and out.
Grandpa and Grandma Judd joined us for part of our trip.  The sequoias are so tall and beautiful.

There were great climbing rocks all around the campground
Haley and Hannah spent much of their time burning sticks in the campfire.
So what did you notice first, the dirt or the marshmallows?!

Ben chopped all of our wood for the campfire...Not!!! But he did have fun swinging the hatchet.

We have decided that camping in the sequoias needs to be an annual event.  We had a fabulous weekend in the mountains amongst the tall trees.  What made the weekend even better was the running water and the flush-able toilets!!!

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