Friday, April 9, 2010

April in Bakersfield is a slice of Heaven!!!

We have some beautiful things growing in our yard right now. Lillies, azaleas, and grapefruit blossoms. Can I just say that orange and grapefruit blossoms smell SOOOOO good. MMMMM, heavenly. This yellow flower, and a few more just like it are blooming in the pond. It is fun to watch all of the fish and the turtle while viewing such pretty flowers. Plus, it is so peaceful listening to the waterfall. Yes, I'd say that's heavenly!
The weather has been great, 75 with a gentle breeze. It's perfect for a bike ride or playing out in the yard. Once again, I'd say that's heavenly!
Having a nine year old who loves you is definitely heavenly!
Picking fresh snap peas and carrots from the garden after school is fun, but eating them is heavenly!!

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