Sunday, May 8, 2011

One of the best days a mother could ask for!

Friday morning, April 22, 2011, we gathered at Brigham Young University for Allison's graduation. How could it be that I had a daughter old enough to graduate from college already? Didn't she just graduate from high school?
Allison has worked so hard these past four years and has now officially earned her degree in Elementary Education from BYU. She was fortunate enough to have been chosen to do an internship this past year as a third grade teacher at Bonneville Elementary School. She has enjoyed the experience, and has put her education to good use.

Ben was so proud of his big sister.

So many family members came to celebrate the big occasion. Grandpa and Grandma Sullivan, Grandpa and Grandma Judd, Uncle Jason .....
Aunt Bridget, cousins Cameron, Marcus and Mikelle,
and Aunt Stacy. It was so nice to have so many family members together to party with!
After graduation we went to California Pizza Kitchen for lunch.
We all ate well and had fun visiting.
We sang Happy Birthday to Haley, and the whole restaurant went silent and listened.
After lunch a few of us went to the temple. Haley really wanted to do baptisms on her 12th birthday. Our whole family (minus Hannah who is not quite old enough yet) was together in the temple. Grandpa and Grandma Judd, Russ, Shawna, Allison, Tyler, Ben, Emily and Haley.
On the ride home, Ben got a little silly.
He started taking pictures...... Grandpa Judd
Grandma Judd
As we drove away from the temple my heart was so full!
Tears came to my eyes as I thought of how blessed I am.
I am part of an eternal family,
and we had just spent a memorable day together!!!

My how they've grown

Haley- 12
Emily- 17
Ben- 19
Tyler and Allison

We are a blessed family!

And the winner is.......

The children were so anxious to make a car and race it in the annual Oaks Ward Pinewood Derby. We opted for the pre cut version (thank you very much!!! you are a lifesaver since dad is gone so much and we have no power saw). The kit came in the mail a week before the race and the children had fun sanding, painting and assembling their car. Dad assisted along the way. The day of the race came and we held our breath. Would this be a good car, or a dud? We have experienced both throughout the years.
As it turns out, it was a winner!!! First place, baby!!!

Happy 12th Birthday Haley!!!!

Turning twelve is such an important birthday! Going from Primary to Young Women's is a very exciting milestone. Haley was really looking forward to her big day. The Beehives kidnapped her and took her out for ice cream to welcome her into their class. She loved it!!!
Her birthday dinner included pork tenderloin, corn, artichoke, mashed potatoes and homemade strawberry lemonade. For dessert it was german chocolate cake. Happy Birthday Haley!
Twelve things about Haley....
1. She loves to dance
2. She plays the piano and flute
3. She tutors children in Mrs. Faulkenberry's kindergarten class
4. She wears a spacer, and will soon be getting braces
5. She is kind, affectionate, helpful and tenderhearted
6. She does not enjoy reading
7. She tends to procrastinate big projects
8. She loves little children
9. She collects lipgloss
10. She is brave and likes to try new things
11. She loves CANDY
12. She is an all around awesome daughter, sister, and friend!

Track meet

Hannah came in first place in the 400 meter race at Ronald Reagan Elementary, so she went on to the district qualifying meet at CSUB.
The best girls from each of the schools in the district ran in various heats.
Hannah was so focused!
Coming down the final stretch......
Hannah came in third out of eight runners in her heat. Her time qualified her to go to district. Unfortunately, Hannah was unable to compete in the final district track meet because we were out of town that day. But it is fun to know that she qualified. Hannah is a great runner!