Sunday, May 8, 2011

Happy 12th Birthday Haley!!!!

Turning twelve is such an important birthday! Going from Primary to Young Women's is a very exciting milestone. Haley was really looking forward to her big day. The Beehives kidnapped her and took her out for ice cream to welcome her into their class. She loved it!!!
Her birthday dinner included pork tenderloin, corn, artichoke, mashed potatoes and homemade strawberry lemonade. For dessert it was german chocolate cake. Happy Birthday Haley!
Twelve things about Haley....
1. She loves to dance
2. She plays the piano and flute
3. She tutors children in Mrs. Faulkenberry's kindergarten class
4. She wears a spacer, and will soon be getting braces
5. She is kind, affectionate, helpful and tenderhearted
6. She does not enjoy reading
7. She tends to procrastinate big projects
8. She loves little children
9. She collects lipgloss
10. She is brave and likes to try new things
11. She loves CANDY
12. She is an all around awesome daughter, sister, and friend!

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