Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Happy 20th Birthday Ben *February 2012*

We surprised Ben with a scavenger hunt at breakfast.  He followed the clues which led him to the backyard where he found a new TRAMPOLINE!!!!!  He was very excited. What a great way to start the day!!

After school we had a surprise party for Ben and his friends from his Young Adult program at the batting cages.  Ben was beaming with all of the attention.  The girls in the program love Ben!

Birthday dinner with Grandpa and Grandma Judd, Uncle Lawrence, Aunt Jan, Mike, Jenny and their children.  Ben got a remote control car which we had fun driving out in the street.

Ben is such a great boy, and we are so blessed to have him in our family.  He is very sweet natured and loving.  Ben likes to do his "work" everyday.  He writes sports team stats in notebooks.......he has filled up many many many notebooks! Ben has a great sense of humor, and keeps us laughing with all of his antics.  Ben doesn't eat sweets, but watch out if there are any bagels, chips, frozen burritos or tater tots in the house because Ben will gobble them up!

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