Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Christmas 2012

The children gathered in our room on Christmas morning.  We had agreed that 7:00am was the meeting time.  It is nice to sleep in a little bit on Christmas morning!!

                                       Hannah was happy with the loot in her stocking!!

Cute toe sock wearers!

                               Ben received a fifty dollar bill from Grandpa and Grandma Sullivan.....
                                         Do you think he was happy about it?   Oh Yeah!!!!!

          Grandpa and Grandma Sullivan gave Haley and Hannah each a journal and some Euros to                                   use on our upcoming trip to Paris.   They were thrilled!!!

We were so happy to have Allison, Tyler and Connor stay with us for the Christmas holiday!!

                              Connor especially loved the wrapping paper!! Who needs toys anyway??

                                      Santa was very good to Haley and Hannah!!!!

We sent Ben on a scavenger hunt to find his final gift.  He had about seven clues to find before he got to the final one.  When the final one told him to go to the garage, Ben said, "Yes, my drums".  We had a good laugh because he knew all along that he was getting them.  He had asked for them and before Christmas he would always tell people that he wished for drums when they asked him what he wanted for Christmas. Once he got that first scavenger hunt clue he realized that was why the drum set had not been under the tree.  He is too smart to trick anymore!!  He has really enjoyed playing his new drum set, and the best part is that they are digital so he can hear himself play with headphones, but no one else has to hear the banging.

Christmas night we had a hot chocolate/jacuzzi party.  It was pretty cold outside so the jacuzzi felt really good!  What a wonderful way to end the day!!!!

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