Monday, January 14, 2013

Just a typical afternoon......

Here we are driving home from dance.  We like to turn up the radio and sing along.  I wanted to have a picture to remember all the days we spent together driving.  Two days a week I pick Haley up from school.  Hannah is already home and in the car with me. I have plates of dinner ready for the girls to eat.  The girls dance from 4:00 - 9:00pm  on those two days.  The other days they dance just two hours.  That is a total of 14 hours of dancing a week.  Whew!!  And they LOVE it!! That does not even count the few extra saturday rehearsals they may get called in for.  This year the girls were invited to join Tribute Dance Company.  It is the competitive group at their dance studio.  This is why they are required to take so many dance classes per week.    
Hannah just found out that she was chosen to be Jiminy Cricket in the ballet recital rendition of Pinocchio.  She is over the moon excited!!!!!

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