Friday, June 21, 2013

A year of dance

It was a great year of dance for Haley and Hannah!  They were invited to join Tribute Dance Company, which is the competitive dance group at our studio.  This meant about four extra hours of rehearsal a week, added to their 12 hours of regular classes, but the girls did not mind one bit.  We went to three competitions throughout the year.  Two in Sacramento and one in San Diego.  Then we went to Las Vegas for a week long dance extravaganza.  The girls both did incredibly well at each of the competitions.  They learned a lot and had so much fun.  For the end of the year recital in Bakersfield, Hannah was cast as Jiminy Cricket in the ballet, and Haley was one of four girls chosen to be a snow princess on pointe! The girls love to dance, and I love to watch them perform!

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