Saturday, December 14, 2013

The Color Run

Haley and Hannah, along with their Young Woman's President and a few girls from church, participated in the Bakersfield Color Run. Russ and I went along for the ride, but we did not run the 5K.  We were cheerleaders and volunteers at the water booth.  It was a very COLD morning, but once the sun came out it was a beautiful day!
Before the craziness ensued………...
                                                Aren't they adorable?!?!  Sister Haney made them t-shirts.

Haley, Hannah and Alyssa having fun during the run!! 

I caught them just as they crossed the finish line. Way to go girls! 

Then the madness broke loose.  We were front and center!!

Haley and Hannah were invited up on stage to toss out color bags to the crowd.

Here is the final product!

                                                          We sure had a crazy good time!!!

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