Saturday, March 8, 2014

Bunnies, bunnies and more bunnies!!

Remember our two bunnies, Juan and Pablo?  Well, we have really enjoyed them.  So much so, that I allowed the children to talk me in to more bunnies.  The sister of our two bunnies, who belongs to our friend, was pregnant. So this friend let us bring her home to await the arrival of the baby bunnies.  Hannah made a nesting box for the mommy bunny and we waited, and waited.  Finally, ten days after she came to our house, she quietly gave birth to seven babies. There was one white one, two black ones and four brown ones.  They were born with no fur, but their skin color told us what color they
 would be.  We have had so much fun watching these baby bunnies grow and change.  

In the end, we ended up keeping three of the babies. The white one (Sammy), a brown one with a white collar (Shruggie) and another brown one with a bad eye (Scooter, or blindy as we refer to him).  We gave two of the bunnies to another friend, and we gave the remaining two back to the original owner along with the mommy bunny.  We built a huge pen in the corner of our yard under a tree where the bunnies can dig holes and have room to run around.

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