Monday, January 4, 2010

San Francisco fun!!

On the "living roof" of the California Academy of Sciences museum. There was a very long line to get into the museum. Who knew everyone would be coming the same day as us! We still had a great time, along with 50,000 other people. Our favorite thing was the coral reef exhibit. So many cool fish.
The next day we got All-day passes for the cable cars, and boy did we ride them! We had a blast going all over the city.

Tyler could hardly contain his excitement at being in San Francisco!
Mom wasn't too sure about Haley and Hannah hanging on the side of the cable car, but the cable car operator assured me that he'd never had any children fall off. So they enjoyed living dangerously. The cable cars going the opposite direction came very close, so close in fact that you could high five the riders in the other car. Trust me, we did it!
China town...
A stop at the ferry building for yummy treats. A view of the bay bridge and treasure island.
The Golden Gate bridge. The first time we've seen it without a complete fog cover.
Haley reaching for the top of the Golden Gate bridge.
The reason we went to San Francisco was to see Wicked. Since we were going to the play, we decided to make a fun trip out of it. We stayed at the Hilton for a few days. Good times! Pizza delivery, cupcakes, cable cars, Lori's diner, china town, Wicked, Mimi's cafe, walking in the city, night lights, street vendors, cool buildings, bridges, family togetherness.