Saturday, February 13, 2010

Some things that made me happy today

Being married to the most wonderful man in the world makes me happy. Oh, that and dancing in the kitchen!
Knowing that Allison and Tyler are so in love makes me happy! They take good care of each other. I love having a married daughter!
Ben had a choir concert a few weeks ago and he was so excited to perform. He looked so handsome in his concert attire! It makes me happy to know that he loves me!!
Emily got a fish tank for Christmas and has had lots of fun adding fish and various plants and decor. It makes me happy to see her having fun with it!
Haley began playing the flute this year, and has done so well. She likes to practice. It makes me happy to see her learning new things and developing her talents!
Hannah is the first one home from school each day. I ride my bike to the bus stop with her scooter in my basket. Then we ride home together. It is a great time to talk and find out about her day. Then we come home and get a snack ready for everyone. She is my gardening partner. We love to work out in the garden and see the things that are growing. We also love to pick and eat oranges!! Her smile and enthusiasm for life make me happy!
I can't believe that I can just go out into my backyard and pick some of the most delicious fruit for free!!!! We have had the best grapefruit and oranges this year. YUMMY!! This totally makes me happy!!

We finally got rain here in Bakersfield and that made me SOOO happy. It has been gorgeous outside. Crisp, clean and beautiful. We can see the mountains all around us. I love the fluffy clouds that we have had floating above us. Makes me smile just thinking about it!
My life makes me happy!

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