Saturday, February 13, 2010

Valentine Run-10K

Here we are BEFORE the race. A little nervous but very excited!!
Pre-race stretches with some friends. Emily, Laura, Kristi, Carrie, and I.
And they're OFF...........
Coming up to mile 4......feeling pretty good.

As we approach the finish we get a burst of energy.
Our wonderful cheerleaders. We couldn't have done it without them!!!
We are in this together!!! Finishing our first 10K. (6.2 miles) Our time is posted on that clock. 1 hour and 2 minutes.
WE DID IT!!!!!!! And we survived, and it was so much fun!!! We totally want to do another one, just not today!!!

1 comment:

Allison said...

GREAT JOB!!!! that is such a good time! tyler and i want to join you on the next race!!