Sunday, May 2, 2010

Ben + Prom = one happy, sweaty boy!

Once Ben was dressed and ready to go, Russ took him outside to get a few pictures. Suddenly a limo pulls up. Ben's face just lit up. He knew that limo was for HIM!!!
Ben let Haley and Hannah in on the fun. We all rode in the limo over to the high school where Ben was meeting his friends.
The limo was stocked with cold soft drinks and water, and there were tiny blue lights in the roof, Ben loved it all! Once we arrived at the high school, Ben's friends were there waiting for him. He stepped out of the limo like a true celebrity. His friends were cheering and so excited. Then we let them know that the limo was for them also. They were riding to the prom in style!!
Brittany, Mariah, Chris and Ben....Ready for a fun night out!!
These four have been in school together for many years.
Their teacher, Miss Dickerson was their escort. They went to dinner together and then had their pictures taken at the prom. Then they danced the night away...
Russ and I, along with Haley and Hannah, went to the fairgrounds to pick Ben up. The security guards actually took us in to the prom and we had students staring at us wondering what in the world we were doing there. Allison and Emily would have hid under a chair if we had walked into a prom with them there. How embarrassing!!!! But not Ben. We thought we would find Ben in a corner somewhere with his hands over his ears due to the extremely loud music. But no way. Ben was in the middle of a bunch of kids dancing his heart out. He was drenched with sweat, and his face was so red. He wanted us to come and join him. The chaperones told us that he had danced all night. He was ready to go home when we got there, but first he had to find his friends and give them hugs goodbye. What a night!!!

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