Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Warning: Wall Ball may be hazardous to your mouth!

I got another dreaded phone call. This time from Ronald Reagan Elementary. The secretary called me to let me know that Haley was playing "What's up" at the ball wall and was accidentally pushed into the wall. She hit the wall face first, knocking a large piece of her tooth off. Poor girl!! I called our family dentist and he had no openings for a few days....What?!?!?! I'm supposed to make my beautiful little girl go around with half a tooth for a few days? No way. So I called another dentist. A friend from church who just opened his own practice. His name is Dr. Jared Simpson if you are looking for a new dentist. Anyway, he was kind enough to get us in, and he fixed her right up.
Look at the beautiful finished product!! Thank you Dr. Simpson!! Now Haley just has to stay away from that silly wall!!!


Katie and Luke said...

You don't have very good luck with sending your kids to school! :)

Allison said...

that looks painful. tyler says she should have kept it until halloween haha. the fixed product looks great though!