Sunday, July 25, 2010

San Francisco here we come...

I (Russell) had a meeting in San Francisco at the corporate office. Haley decided to come along for the ride. We flew out of Bakersfield Sunday night. My meeting was early Monday morning. Haley came to the office with me and waited in a visitor office until my meeting was complete. She said it was very boring waiting for me, but, after the meeting then came the fun. We decided to use every mode of transportation we could on this trip. We flew on a plane, we rode a taxi to the hotel, we took the city bus, we rode the subway and even rented a little "GO Car" to drive around the city.
Haley is a profesional trolley car rider. She knows how to ride on the outside and can even lean out. She knows to make sure she is leaning in when we pass the trolley going in the opposite direction.
Here is the GO Car we rented. We rode it from Fisherman's Wharf out to the Golden Gate Bridge and back. We stopped at the bridge and had a great time looking over the bay and looking back to see the skyscrapers of San Francisco.
On Monday night we went to see the San Francisco Giants play the Los Angeles Dodgers. Haley rooted for the Dodgers. After the game we took a taxi back to the hotel. While we were in the taxi it was hit in the back by another taxi. Just a mild bang, with no injuries. The worst part was that we had to walk almost all the way back to the ball park to catch another taxi.

We had a great time in the city, we went to the big 6 story mall, we rode the trolley cars all around, we went to Pier 39, we had our picture drawn by one of the street artists, we saw all the street performers, and most of all had fun being together, Haley and Dad in San Francisco.

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