Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Deal or no Deal........

Ben loves to watch Deal or no deal. He got a game for us to play at home. Russ decided to put some real money up for grabs. The big prize to win was $100. The children were so excited to play. Each child got a turn. Everyone was so nervous on their turn. Luckily everyone won something. Haley was the big winner of $50.


All peaceful and quiet....
The children came into our room at 7:00am and hung out there until Alli and Tyler came at 7:30am. Then came the lineup in the hallway and off we went to see what Santa left us.
Haley got an I TOUCH!!!!
Hannah got the Pet Shop toy she wanted!
Zazzoo was into everything!
Ben went on a scavenger hunt to find a big surprise. Russ caught his face as he came through the door of the office to find a basketball game.
We sure had fun playing this all day.

The girls got some singing games for the Wii. There was a serious concert happening at the Judd household!
We had such a nice day together.
We are thankful for the birth of our Savior Jesus Christ!

Christmas Eve fun

We start with hor d'oevers and finish things up with a chocolate fountain. We dip raspberries, bananas, apples, marshmallows, pretzels and graham crackers. YUMMMMMMMMMMMM!

The clean up is always interesting!

After dinner, the children get new pj's. Then they rush off to see who can change into their new jammies the quickest. Ben usually wins. He takes this challenge very serious!
It wouldn't be Christmas Eve without a pyramid!
Once the new pajamas are on, the children exchange gifts with each other.
The children surprised us with this awesome picture. (It says JUDD)
Everyone gave and received wonderful gifts.

It's so nice to have Allison and Tyler home for a few weeks!

An Advent Nativity

After Thanksgiving, Hannah wanted to make an advent calendar. She decided to go with a nativity theme.....
and this is what she created. She did this completely on her own. I loved it! After reading the scriptures each morning, the person who said family prayer got to get the new piece out for the day. We all loved seeing what the new piece was for the day. What a treasure!!!

Monday, December 20, 2010

When it rains...IT POURS!!!

The rain in Bakersfield has been falling solid for three days. Our neighborhood began to flood after the second day. We had to go check things out and take photos, or no one would believe us!
Haley and Hannah got all dressed up in their rain gear to face the storm. They were prepared for fun!! A pool toy was just the thing to get them all around the neighborhood.

Tyler was crazy enough to go for a swim. The water was COLD!!
Trees growing up from the middle of the lake......
The water pumping trucks have been working non stop for 24 hours, but the water keeps rising.
This is a fire hydrant covered in flood water! The neighbors attached a flag to it so no one would run over it and cause more flooding.
Allison had to get a photo to show her 3rd grade class!
Emily and her friends having some fun!! Notice the sandbags on the neighbors porch. More rain is expected so they prepared for the worst. This is so crazy!!!!

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Girls Night Out

Last night we girls had a fun night together. First we went to dinner at Outback. Emily was craving crab legs so we headed to my favorite steak and crab leg restaurant and they didn't disappoint! Besides our delicious dinner we had to get my favorite desert...The Sinful Sunday. mmmmmmmgood!!!
After dinner we went to see The Nutcracker, performed by Civic Ballet. The girls knew a few of the performers, which made it even more enjoyable. Haley and Hannah were wishing they were up there dancing right along with them.

While the girls were out at the ballet, the boys were at a Jam basketball game. Dad and Ben had court side seats right next to the players. Ben was given a jersey signed by the team. He was named "Fan of the Game". Not surprising, seeing as how Ben is such an enthusiastic fan!

Russ took the children to Utah, and mom got to stay home alone!

Russ took the children to Utah for a BYU football game, which meant that mom had FOUR WHOLE DAYS TO HERSELF!!!! Let's just say that everyone had a great time, but it was so nice to have them all back home!
Ben hammed it up with Cosmo before the game. It was freezing cold in Utah, but since mom packed hats, scarves and gloves no one got frostbite!

While in Utah they enjoyed visiting with cousins and grandparents, going to BYU football and women's volleyball games, going out to eat, and playing at the nickelcade.

Friday, December 10, 2010

Special Olympics Bowling

Ben had a great bowling season. He participated in a few tournaments. He went to Santa Clarita for one of the tournaments and received a silver medal! Another tournament he was able to be on a team with mom, dad, and Uncle Brian. They came in second place, but Uncle Brian was the overall top bowler and he won a gold bowling pin trophy!
This was Ben's final tournament of the season. He won another silver medal! Way to go Ben!!

Judd kids join Little People Big World

Think they'll fit in?


Russ and I got all dressed up for Mercy Hospital's 100 year Gala. It was a black tie affair. Russ was the emcee. He looked dazzling in his tuxedo! The event was really nice. Huge party tents were constructed and transformed into beautiful rooms. It's amazing what people can do with flowers, candles, lighting and linens! The food was delicious and Russ did a great job telling some neat stories about Mercy's past. After the program and dinner, we went into another room for dessert. Several stations were set up with all kinds of treats. There were crepes, mini donut sundaes, cupcakes, hot chocolate and truffles. We didn't get to every station because we were so full!
Here's to another 100 years Mercy!!

Halloween Fun

Halloween was pretty typical this year. Our Ward had a trunk or treat on Friday night. We had chili, visited with friends, and then the children went around filling their buckets with candy. The girls carved pumpkins a few days later. Dad oversaw the mess while the girls created their masterpieces.

My cute little cowgirls!
Ben cracked us up. When we asked him to come outside for pictures he got a piece of straw from the bale to put in his mouth. I guess he thought that made him look more like a cowboy!
Then he started posing. He can be so silly!
Here's my handsome cowboy!