Friday, December 10, 2010


In October, Haley spent five fun filled days at Montano de Oro State Park for Camp KEEP. Every year the sixth graders at Reagan Elementary get to have this great adventure.
The days are filled with hikes where the children get to explore the tide pools and enjoy the beauties of nature all around them.
One of Haley's favorite things was the view of the ocean from high atop the cliff.
Haley loved the kid-friendly cuisine at Camp KEEP. Hamburgers, tacos, chicken nuggets, pancakes, etc...
The evenings were filled with campfires, singing, laughing and storytelling. Haley will always treasure her wonderful experience at Camp KEEP.
Hannah can't wait till she's in 6th grade!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Um...hey I'm going to Camp Keep too but I go to Loudon Elementary but we go January 26th.Did Haley(sorry if I spelt it wrong) go to Camp Keep Cambria Pines or the Camp Keep Ocean one?I'm going to to the Camp Keep Ocean one.Thanks for reading my comment!:)