Wednesday, December 29, 2010


All peaceful and quiet....
The children came into our room at 7:00am and hung out there until Alli and Tyler came at 7:30am. Then came the lineup in the hallway and off we went to see what Santa left us.
Haley got an I TOUCH!!!!
Hannah got the Pet Shop toy she wanted!
Zazzoo was into everything!
Ben went on a scavenger hunt to find a big surprise. Russ caught his face as he came through the door of the office to find a basketball game.
We sure had fun playing this all day.

The girls got some singing games for the Wii. There was a serious concert happening at the Judd household!
We had such a nice day together.
We are thankful for the birth of our Savior Jesus Christ!

1 comment:

Carrie said...

Way to rock the one piece footed jammies, Emily! You and Gwen can get dressed together next time you come to babysit!

Looks like a fun Christmas.....