Saturday, October 6, 2012

A wonderful Saturday...

Russ and I have come to love our Saturday morning spin class.  Sure it means that we have to get up earlier than we would like to, but it is well worth it!! We get to the gym a half hour early to ensure that we get a bike and then we do a few warm up exercises while we wait for class to begin.  The next hour is full of loud music and hard core spinning, sweating  and fun!!  It feels like you're going to die at the 30 minute mark but once you pass the hump it is so invigorating. I really like to push myself, and I love that this class allows for a great challenge. Plus, I love that Russ and I can take the class together!!

Later in the afternoon we planted our winter garden.  One of the benefits of living here in Bakersfield is that we can have a garden year round.  This winter we planted broccoli, snap peas, lettuce, strawberries, cilantro and brussel sprouts. We have never had brussel sprouts before and thought it would be fun to try them. This photo only shows two of our three planter boxes.  We love having raised garden boxes.  We have no weeds and fewer insect problems.

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