Monday, October 22, 2012


 I started making homemade bread way back when I had only a few children.  I liked the idea of healthy, wholesome, yummy bread filling our tummies, so I didn't mind the work involved to get it.  Fast forward several years to me having my fifth child and all thoughts of making bread flew out the window, along with keeping my house as clean as I would have liked it to be!  I figured the bread from the grocery store was just fine.  About two years ago I started thinking about that homemade bread once again.  There is nothing quite like fresh warm bread out of the oven with butter and honey!! So I bought all of the necessary ingredients and set out to surprise my family with yummy, homemade bread once again. I even grind my own wheat so that the flour is fresh.  I haven't had to buy store bought bread since then.  My children love it when they come home and smell that delicious scent of freshly baked bread.

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