Thursday, November 8, 2012

Baby it's cold outside!

We planned a trip to Utah over Veteran's Day a long time ago.  Plane tickets were purchased and plans to attend a BYU football game were made.  The weather decided to give my girls an early Christmas present.......SNOW!!!!  We arrived on Thursday night and on Friday it snowed all day. It was the kind of snow that allows you to make a great snowman!! Hannah played out in that snow for a few hours.  She was not the least bit affected by the cold. Since we keep our snow clothes in Utah she was prepared!!  We had fun playing at the park near Grandma's house.  Mikelle came to spend a few days with us.  The girls giggled and laughed as they rode together on the sled down the park slide.

         We got to spend some more quality time with little Connor boy.  He sure is a smiley guy.

                          Ben and Grandpa hung out before church on Sunday.

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