Saturday, November 24, 2012

Thanksgiving 2012

Thanksgiving is one of my favorite holidays of the year.  Maybe it's because it is in the fall, maybe it's because I get to spend time with my family, or maybe it's because we get to eat yummy food.  Whatever the reason...Thanksgiving rocks and this year was no different!  The guests this year included Grandma and Grandpa Sullivan, Uncle Brian, Tyler, Allison and Connor, and Emily.
(What I would call a manageable houseful!)

Great Grandma Sullivan made this adorable quilt for Connor along with the stuffed dinosaur!

                    Can you guess what is happening in this picture?... Yep, it's a Just Dance party!!

 Hannah put on quite the show for us.  She had everyone fill out their thankful turkey feathers, and then she performed a lovely dance routine she choreographed herself.

Ben and Haley joined in for the finale.

Since there was so much food to be consumed during our time together, we made sure to work some of it off at the park with a serious game of kickball..... 
and a little bit of jump roping.

               Have I mentioned the food??  MMMMMMMMmmmmmmm, we had a feast!

Another fun tradition is the annual "pass the pigs" tournament.  Everyone puts in a dollar to play and the winner takes all.  This is a very competitive group we have. Hannah was so stressed because she really wanted to win.   

             Grandma rolled a "never before seen in real life" double leaning jowler.  We were impressed!

But in the end.........Hannah was the big winner!!  Yeah for Hannah.   

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