Monday, March 11, 2013

Can't get enough of this kid!!!!!

I drove with Emily up to Provo to get her moved in to her new apartment and spent the weekend visiting with everyone.  Then Allison and Connor flew back to Bakersfield with me to spend the week at our house.  Yeah!!!  Connor was really good on the plane.

Bath time in Grandma's kitchen sink was so much fun!!!

Quality reading time with Grandpa!!!

Connor enjoyed exploring the backyard......

After a long cold winter in Provo, Allison and Connor were happy to have some sunshine!!!

Haley, Hannah and Ben love having Connor around to play with!!

Connor was a great shopping buddy...he even went home with a few new outfits.  
Grandma loves to spoil him!!!

We loved having Allison and Connor come stay with us!! We wish they didn't live so far away!

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