Friday, March 15, 2013

Dance Competition

 We have entered the world of competitive dance....just for this year!  It is a huge commitment of time and resources which doesn't leave much time for the girls to do anything else.  They dance at the studio at least 14 hours a week, sometimes more when extra rehearsals are scheduled.  They love to dance and have made some nice friends at the studio.  Their first competition was held in Sacramento at a very nice auditorium at U.C. Davis.  Allison, Connor, the girls and I drove up to Sacramento on Friday and stayed at a hotel.  The competition was all day on Saturday. This is serious business....their makeup had to be just right, as well as their hair and costumes.  They each had four dances to perform in.
                                          Haley and Hannah loved every minute of it!!

           Grandpa and Grandma Sullivan drove over from San Francisco to watch for a few hours.

                                        Connor was loving all of the attention from the girls!!!

                                  The whole dance team does a great Bollywood number called Jai Ho.

            Their group number, "He's Alive" won first place all around for large group numbers!!!

     The girls received first place platinum awards for each of their performances. They rocked it!!!
                                            It was a very long day, but fun and entertaining.
                                 Tribute dance company is going home with lots of trophies!!!

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