Thursday, May 2, 2013

I hope they call me on a mission.....

The big day finally arrived, the day that Emily (and the rest of us) had been anticipating!!! She was so excited to receive that big white envelope in the mail!!  Many of Emily's friends and family members were gathered in her apartment, while we at home were skyping from Bakersfield. As she slowly, and carefully opened that envelope, my heart was beating!  Then she read that famous line...."You are hereby called to labor in the Raleigh, North Carolina mission" and we all cheered.  My girl Emily had been called to serve, and I was beaming with pride!  I can not put in to words the utter joy I felt at that moment!! She had such a big smile on her face.  Oh, it was an awesome moment.  
She reports to the MTC in Provo on August 14, 2013.

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