Wednesday, May 29, 2013

The end of an era....

The end of the elementary school year brings with it various activities meant to enrich our children's minds.....

One such activity is the egg drop.  Students are encouraged to think of ways to protect an egg from breaking as it is dropped off a second story roof.  This year Hannah paired up with her friend Esha  and they came up with the idea of housing the egg (wrapped in a small dish towel) inside a bag full of balloons.  As the egg was dropped from the roof, I noted the visible stress on Hannah's face.  She was very concerned about the well being of her egg!  To her great delight, the egg survived!! Many other student's eggs did not fair so well, especially the ones that were put inside a jar of peanut butter.  Let's just say the custodian was going to have a lot of fun cleaning up the courtyard floor!!

Another great end of the year activity is Greek Day. The students dress up in their finest toga and come to school ready for something akin to the olympic games.  They are broken up into groups and compete in various activities.  I helped out at the discus throw. (actually it was a frisbee) The children were very competitive and teams were judged on performance as well as team spirit and enthusiasm. Hannah's team did well in all areas of the competition.

The best activity for parents to attend is the awards ceremony for academic achievement.  Hannah outdid herself with awards this year.  I am so proud of all of her accomplishments.  She was on Principal's list all through Elementary school, had superior citizenship, and earned a gold plaque for school participation in student council, orchestra, chorus, sports, and battle of the books.

This is my last child to go through Elementary school.  She did us proud!! On to Junior High!!!

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