Saturday, October 26, 2013

Bakersfield South Stake has a new leader….

President Russell Von Judd

We had one of the most wonderful weekends ever!! Since we knew that an apostle of the Lord was going to be attending our Stake Conference, along with a member of the Seventy, we decided to invite Russ's parents and Uncle Brian to attend. They decided to come for the whole weekend. We also knew that our current Stake Presidency was going to be released, which left us wondering what might happen….. Russ had been down at the Stake Center all morning on Saturday as Elder Christofferson was interviewing many of the Priesthood leaders.  As I was sitting on the back patio having lunch with everyone, Russ called and said that he was on his way home to get me.  Elder Christofferson wanted to speak with both of us.  I knew what this could mean.  I changed my clothes and said a little prayer.  Russ and I each met with Elder Christofferson  privately and then together. It was such a wonderful experience to sit across from an apostle and to feel of his love.  He was so kind, and made us feel so comfortable.  Russ was extended the call to serve as the Stake President of the Bakersfield California South Stake.  We then had the opportunity to prayerfully choose his counselors.
What an amazing process and experience.  I am grateful for the restored gospel of Jesus Christ!

The outgoing Presidency
Elder Sabin of the Seventy, Pres. Nelson, Pres. Thompson, Pres. Judd, Elder Christofferson

                                                             The new Stake Presidency
                 Elder Sabin, Pres. Frehner, President Judd, Pres. Bramwell, Elder Christofferson
                                                        (Russ and I look like the little people!)

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