Saturday, October 26, 2013


Haley and Hannah wanted to get into the Halloween spirit by "Booing" someone.  This entails making some delicious holiday themed treats and leaving them on someones doorstep with a note saying that they have been "Boo'ed".  You must leave the treats and knock, and then run away quickly so they don't know who left them.  We made three plates of goodies and "Boo'ed" two families in the ward, and gave the third plate of treats to a new family in our neighborhood who we wanted to meet.  We had a lot of fun doing this together as a family!! I think our treats came out pretty cute, and delicious!!
                                                   This was Hannah's costume for school

                             Ben insisted on dressing up like a military man this year.
                     He definitely has strong opinions each year on what costume he wears!

 Haley and Hannah went trick or treating with other youth around our neighborhood.
                                                 They came home with a LOT of candy!

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