Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Dance Recital 2011

Haley and Hannah... sisters who share a love for DANCE!!!!!
The girls LOVE having their own mirror in the dressing room. They decorate them with "Star Grams" which are notes written from family and friends.

Girls just wanna have fun!!!!
Haley and Hannah love their dance friends and enjoyed hanging out with them during rehearsals and in between performances.

This was a tap number that both Haley and Hannah were in. They were paired up with a partner so they would have a "boy" and a "girl". Haley and Hannah both had "girl" roles. Hannah got to walk across the stage first to get the "boy's" attention....she loved it!

Hannah was a dove in the Snow White ballet.

Haley loved her jazz number "Models looking fierce". All of the girls got to wear a ponytail hairpiece.
Action shot of Haley front and center...
Here she is again 4th from the right.
Haley was also a dove in the Snow White ballet.

Both girls danced together in another fun tap number called "Little Bitty Pretty One" Haley had a solo part in this number. She rocked a double pirouette in her tap shoes!
Hannah has a smile that lights up the stage!

"Just Bounce" was a jazz number that both girls were in.
The paired up tap number "Bad Boys".

This concludes another fabulous year of dance.
Now onto summer, which includes more dancing!!!!

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